If you’re making to sell, ensure your business needs are met first. Licensing, setting up a name not being used, understanding trademark and copyright laws, creating social accounts and websites. Help with those details are coming later. Today we will be talking about the most fun part, supplies!
Supplies are EVERYWHERE. You can buy them within the US, have them imported, start production of your own products and more. But how do you keep ahead of the trends? It’s simple really! Keep tabs on the runway. I know, I know. Those outfits are ridiculous most of the time. BUT the underlying style is going to trickle down the fashion world soon after the runway. Watch for repeated colors, patterns, materials and styles.
If you’re choosing to import goods, be aware of the potential loss with every purchase. Sizing differences in ribbons, quality differences, color variations, and more are possible issues. If you find a supplier with good quality, remember then and check back with them often. Prepare for import fees as well. You may not even realize that you’re building a tab until you get a bill suddenly for a few hundred dollars.
Consistency and good customer service are the key to compete in a very saturated market. Bring forward new product on a strict schedule. Keep to your schedule so your customer base knows what to expect at all times. Always maintain a positive attitude with customers and speak with respect. The customer is paying you for a product or service and needs to be treated as such.
Lastly, to maintain consistent sales do not fall behind in production. Keep up with new products and shipping orders. If a life event causes you to fall behind, be transparent with your customers. Email them directly to apologize. Offer the option to cancel orders. Do not expect the customer to see a social media post. That is not enough transparency!!
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